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Hello friends, today I am going to expose a new and awesome trick for GMAIL users. AS you know sometimes we get emails from unknown sender with some type of fake offers like - EARN MONEY, YOU HAVE WON, THANKS FOR PLAYING LOTTERY. Friend i advised you to not open these emails just delete them without opening if you want to escape from email hacking. So I have a trick to block these type of emails sender for you

I just devided this trick into some steps, so follow these steps to proceed....

STEP1. -  Open your gmail account.  [Note: I am using basic html mode]

STEP 2. -  Now find this option in left down side "EDIT LABELS"  [e.g. shown in below screen]

STEP 3. - After doing step 2, you'll see below type of screen infront of you, now choose "CREATE A NEW LABEL" as highlighted in below pic

STEP 4. - Now select FILTER option and fill the EMAIL address of the sender from whom you don't want to get emails anymore

fill the form like this . .

[FROM : enter email id of the person from whom you don't want to get emails]
[TO : leave it blank]
[SUBJECT : if the email will be recieved with entered subject then it will be deleted]
[HAS THE WORD : if the entered word will be present then email will be deleted]
[DOESN'T HAVE : if the entered word will not be present then email will be deleted]

STEP 5. - After filling details, just click on "NEXT STEPS" and fill next form as shown in below image.
Now Click on CREATE FILTER and hit enter

STEP 6. -  You have done , now you will not get emails from the sender whose detail you have filled in step 4.!!
Enjoy Friends

[Note - You can do this trick will yahoo mail also, but you have to follow different steps]


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