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Hey friends, hi to all of you. Today we are going to share something who read tech news daily. You see, a lot of websites list resolutions as their common names and nothing else. In that
case, user is left with incomplete information. So, we decided to help and we have made a quick list of resolution with common names. Here is it:
QQVGA (160×120) Quarter Quarter Video Graphics Array
HQVGA (240×160) Half Quarter Video Graphics Array
QVGA (320×240) Quarter Video Graphics Array
WQVGA(400×240) Wide Quarter Video Graphics Array (Variants 376x240,384x240,400x240,428x240,432x240,480x272,480x270)
HVGA (480×320) Half-sizeVideo Graphics Array( Variants 480x320,640x240,480x360)
nHD (640×360)one ninth of a Full High definiton
VGA (640×480) Video Graphics Array (VGA)
WVGA (800×480) Wide Video Graphics Array (Variants 800x480,848x480,852x480,854x480)
FWVGA (854×480) Full Wide Video Graphics Array
SVGA (800×600) Super Video Graphics Array or Ultra Video Graphics Array
qHD (960×540)one quarter of a Full High definition
DVGA (960×640) Double-size Video Graphics Array
XGA (1024×768) XGA, the Extended Graphics Array
EVGA(1024×768) (Extended Video Graphics Array)
HD (1280×720) High definition
WXGA (1280×768) Wide Extended Graphics Array (Wide XGA or WXGA) (Variants 1280x720,1280x768,1280x800,1360x768,1366x768)
XGA+ (1152×864) Extended Graphics Array Plus (Variants 1152x900,1152x864)
XGA+ (1152×864) Extended Graphics Array Plus
WXGA+ (1440×900) Wide Extended Graphics Array Plus
SXGA (1280×1024) Super Extended Graphics Array
SXGA+ (1400×1050) Super Extended Graphics Array Plus
WSXGA+ (1680×1050) Widescreen Super Extended Graphics Array Plus
UXGA (1600×1200) Ultra Extended Graphics Array
FHD (1920×1080) Full high definition
WUXGA (1920×1200) Widescreen Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QWXGA (2048×1152) Quad Wide Extended Graphics Array
QXGA (2048×1536)QXGA (Quad Extended Graphics Array)
QHD (2560×1440) Quad High Definition
WQXGA (2560×1600) Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array
QSXGA (2560×2048) Quad Super Extended Graphics Array
WQSXGA (3200×2048) Wide Quad Super Extended Graphics Array
QUXGA (3200×2400) Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QFHD (4K) (3840×2160) Quad Full High Definition
WQUXGA (3840×2400) Wide Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
HXGA (4096×3072) Hex[adecatuple] Extended Graphics Array
WHXGA (5120×3200) Wide Hex[adecatuple] Extended Graphics Array
HSXGA (5120×4096 Hex[adecatuple] Super Extended Graphics Array
WHSXGA (6400×4096) Wide Hex[adecatuple] Super Extended Graphics Array
HUXGA (6400×4800) Hex[adecatuple] Ultra Extended Graphics Array
UHD (8K) (7680×4320) Ultra High Definiton
WHUXGA (7680×4800) Wide Hex[adecatuple] Ultra Extended Graphics Array
case, user is left with incomplete information. So, we decided to help and we have made a quick list of resolution with common names. Here is it:
QQVGA (160×120) Quarter Quarter Video Graphics Array
HQVGA (240×160) Half Quarter Video Graphics Array
QVGA (320×240) Quarter Video Graphics Array
WQVGA(400×240) Wide Quarter Video Graphics Array (Variants 376x240,384x240,400x240,428x240,432x240,480x272,480x270)
HVGA (480×320) Half-sizeVideo Graphics Array( Variants 480x320,640x240,480x360)
nHD (640×360)one ninth of a Full High definiton
VGA (640×480) Video Graphics Array (VGA)
WVGA (800×480) Wide Video Graphics Array (Variants 800x480,848x480,852x480,854x480)
FWVGA (854×480) Full Wide Video Graphics Array
SVGA (800×600) Super Video Graphics Array or Ultra Video Graphics Array
qHD (960×540)one quarter of a Full High definition
DVGA (960×640) Double-size Video Graphics Array
XGA (1024×768) XGA, the Extended Graphics Array
EVGA(1024×768) (Extended Video Graphics Array)
HD (1280×720) High definition
WXGA (1280×768) Wide Extended Graphics Array (Wide XGA or WXGA) (Variants 1280x720,1280x768,1280x800,1360x768,1366x768)
XGA+ (1152×864) Extended Graphics Array Plus (Variants 1152x900,1152x864)
XGA+ (1152×864) Extended Graphics Array Plus
WXGA+ (1440×900) Wide Extended Graphics Array Plus
SXGA (1280×1024) Super Extended Graphics Array
SXGA+ (1400×1050) Super Extended Graphics Array Plus
WSXGA+ (1680×1050) Widescreen Super Extended Graphics Array Plus
UXGA (1600×1200) Ultra Extended Graphics Array
FHD (1920×1080) Full high definition
WUXGA (1920×1200) Widescreen Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QWXGA (2048×1152) Quad Wide Extended Graphics Array
QXGA (2048×1536)QXGA (Quad Extended Graphics Array)
QHD (2560×1440) Quad High Definition
WQXGA (2560×1600) Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array
QSXGA (2560×2048) Quad Super Extended Graphics Array
WQSXGA (3200×2048) Wide Quad Super Extended Graphics Array
QUXGA (3200×2400) Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QFHD (4K) (3840×2160) Quad Full High Definition
WQUXGA (3840×2400) Wide Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
HXGA (4096×3072) Hex[adecatuple] Extended Graphics Array
WHXGA (5120×3200) Wide Hex[adecatuple] Extended Graphics Array
HSXGA (5120×4096 Hex[adecatuple] Super Extended Graphics Array
WHSXGA (6400×4096) Wide Hex[adecatuple] Super Extended Graphics Array
HUXGA (6400×4800) Hex[adecatuple] Ultra Extended Graphics Array
UHD (8K) (7680×4320) Ultra High Definiton
WHUXGA (7680×4800) Wide Hex[adecatuple] Ultra Extended Graphics Array