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Hello friends, are you getting lots of unknown emails in your mail box then you may be victim of a website whose NEWSLETTER you have subscribed. NEWSLETTER is an online service which is used to deliver news on the website directly to your inbox but some website misuse this service. They send you unwanted ads through that NEWSLETTER so the one and only way is left for the user to unsubscribe the newsletter. But unsubscribe all NEWSLETTER one by one is wastage of lots of time. So this trick will save your time and will help you to unsubscribe the newsletter in bulk. I have some steps for you, just read and follow them carefully.
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- First of all visit
- Now enter your email id here and hit ENTER .
- Now website will ask to access your email inbox, just allow it.
- Now wait for some time while the website is scanning the newsletters from your inbox, After that it'll show you all the newsletters with unsubscribe link ,Now just unsubscribe them. That's it.
- Now you'll not get more emails from these websites.
Don't forget to like our facebook page.