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Hey friends, we have found a way that if you want to create a folder that cannot be deleted by any user, then how could you proceed. Well, this might sound strange to your friends and they would say"No way!!". But you prove them wrong, nut.
Here are the steps to do it:
Here are the steps to do it:
- Open Command Prompt (Windows Key+R and type cmd and hit enter).
- Type cd\ (it brings command out to C drive).
- Now is the tricky part, you have to type this:
Now, ask your friends to delete it, and they will be amazed as folder cannot be deleted. Actually, this is due to the bug that windows cannot create a folder named con, So, it can`t delete a folder which it don`t think is created.
- However, if you ever want to delete this folder, Do remember that it won`t get deleted by normal deletion but rather by this command:
rd\\.\ <YourDrivehere> :\con (Replace YourDriveHere with your desired drive and you can add further path too.)