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Hey friends, hi to all of you. Recently, major Internet Service Providers (ISP) came forward on same platform to migrate our current Internet Protocol Version to 6 (IPv6) from the previous 4 (IPv4). First, IP is a set of rules on which whole internet works. Now ask "What was the need?" The main reason for that
is that along with increasing number of internet enabled devices, but current IPv4 can accomodate only 4,294,967,296 addresses. After that no addresses are available. So, see some differences below:

  • A typical IPv4 address is in form of  180 . 226 . 045 . 112 i.e, four diffrent groups of 3 digit numbers. The each group may have value between range 0-255, so it allowed only approx. 4.3 billion addresses. This system employs decimal number system.
  • While the new IPv6 addresses will be in form of  2001 : 0db8 : 85a3 : 0000 : 0000 : 8a2e : 0370 : 7334 i.e, 8 groups of 4 digits and they can be in hexadecimal form.
  • IPv4 can have  4,294,967,296 addresses at maximum, but the new IPv6 will have about  2128, or approximately 3.4×1038 (any number with 37 zeros) addresses. So, it will not fall short for us.
  • IPv6 includes use of Multicasting, i.e, sending same packet of different IPs. In IPv4, however it existed but wasn`t effectively applied.
  • IPv6 has Mandatory network layer security. It was developed for IPv6 originally, but was modified to work with IPv4.
  • IPv4 allowed easy tracing of a user activity. But in IPv6, new rules are employed to bring privacy.


Now, you all might ask, "Are we compatible?". Well, this will depend on your Telecom operator (ISP). Most of the new OS have complete support for IPv6. Every new application wriiten is compatible for it. And, if you wanna check, you can check at links given below:

Or try some simple Googling. However, if you need to check compatiblity of a website with IPv6, go to link given below:

Put in website name and go!!!!!
Need more info? Go here. Microsoft is also putting some efforts which can be read here.

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