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Hello friends, how are you. I think you are absolutly fine And after reading this trick you will feel more fine. Let me tell you about this trick. Well this trick is about to change the Logon Screen i.e. whenever you start your pc you get only one type of wallpaper, if you feel bored to see that wallpaper again & again then now you can change it whenever you want to change.
Just follow these steps to understand this trick
STEP 1.-
First of all download this software on your PC - WINDOWS 7 LOGON CHANGER (879 KB)
STEP 2.-
Now Just CLick on it and you'll see below type on screen on your pc.
STEP 3.-
After that just choose your favourite wallpaper and set your Logon screen wallpaper.
Just follow these steps to understand this trick
STEP 1.-
First of all download this software on your PC - WINDOWS 7 LOGON CHANGER (879 KB)
STEP 2.-
Now Just CLick on it and you'll see below type on screen on your pc.
After that just choose your favourite wallpaper and set your Logon screen wallpaper.
I hope this trick is clear to you if havng some problem then comment below, we will happy to help you.